The Blue Envelope

The Blue Envelope drives response and awareness for Valpak advertisers through advanced targeting and more than 40 years of best practices in design and offers. Each month, the Blue Envelope delivers savings to nearly 40 million households in the U.S. and Canada.

How We Do It

Targeted messages, no wasted circulation The Blue Envelope targets households by geography, demographics, consumer behavior and/or consumer expenditures to reach your best market. High consumer awareness and perception of value Valpak is the most recognized direct mail program there is. Eight in 10 (82%) households* receiving the Blue Envelope open and look through the coupon offers.

The Right Frequency

Your message will be seen at the right time. With monthly frequency, the Blue Envelope reaches customers when they are ready to purchase your products and/or services.

The Right Market

Valpak consumers are upscale, educated professionals — a quality audience with discretionary dollars to spend. The average Valpak household income is 29% higher** than the average U.S. household income.

Blue Envelope Product Options

How We Drive Results

We understand consumer behavior

Consumers are becoming avid online researchers when it comes to purchase decisions. Nearly 50 years in direct marketing with coupon and proprietary research insights have kept us on the pulse of what’s working and what’s not. We know every path to purchase can be different, so we have built a tracking solution that captures online response to your print campaign.

We leave no consumer behind

By tracking everything from calls to online clicks to coupon prints, no method of response to your ad is missed. It’s easy to lose track of consumers who go online before redeeming your offer. Valpak has put together a unique set of tools to make sure you can account for every marketing dollar you spend. None of our competitors can say the same.